Radiator Gladiator

Radiator Gladiator was made in under 48 hours for the first ever Shawcat's Game Jam

With the theme being Mismatch we decided to create a game where you play as a factory robot in a dystopian future where discarded electronics are used to create gladiator robots.

How To Play

Pick the pieces from the conveyor belt and place them in one of the slotted tables.
Once a robot is complete (Torso, Head, 2 Arms, 2 Feet) he will be sent to the arena to fight!


You can control the robot with W/A/S/D or ←/↑/↓/→ or Left Thumb Stick
Interact with or Left Click or A/X

What's missing

A lot of stuff!!
In the future I would like to add a second phase to the game, where you control your creations to fight the champion of the arena. Due to the time constraint and this being my first game with Godot, I didn't get to it! 
I think a simple points system could also create a nice game loop. Something like : a set time to create robots, you get points each time you combine piece. You get a different value depending on your combinations. You loose points if a piece complete the conveyor loop. Anyways, I'll probably keep working on it in my free time to learn Godot :)

Thanks to

Thanks to Kenney for the 1-Bit Input Prompts (link)
Thanks to my girlfriend for creating some of the assets.

Thanks for checking it out!

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